Megan I. Martinez
“I will study and prepare myself, and someday my chance will come.” - Abraham Lincoln
Megan earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science at California State University Long Beach (CSULB). While there she completed an internship and was offered a fellowship position with AmeriCorps’ JusticeCorps in the Norwalk Courthouse. Megan earned her Juris Doctor degree from Pacific Coast University, School of Law and represented the law school at the 2020 National Sports Law Negotiation Competition (NSLNC).
While interning with JusticeCorps Megan assisted self-represented litigants in domestic relations matters including, dissolutions, paternity actions, custody disputes and ex parte (emergency) filings. The experience ignited her passion for helping families and was the impetus for her decision to pursue family law and ultimately attend law school. While earning her JD Megan worked full-time as a paralegal for PWGGC and attended law school courses in the evening. Prior to PWGGC, Megan worked as a paralegal for a personal injury attorney in Orange County.
When she isn’t with her PWGGC family Megan loves to adventure to new places with her partner, Andrew and their Australian Cattle dog, Rascal.